Eno JournalVOLUME 7 SPECIAL ISSUEPapers from the seminar on Water Wheels and WindmillsJULY 1978 By Jean Anderson Watermills filled a unique position in rural America before the 20th century. As industrial, commercial, and social centers they touched the lives of people at many points, becoming interwoven not only with the economic fabric of society but […]
Mill Moving
Volume 3, No. 1-Excerpted from an article in Bo-waters’ fall-winter 1974 issue of Crossbow1975 What’s 18 feet across, weighs two tons, is over one hundred years old, and takes the National Guard and four two-and-a-half-ton trucks to move? Would you believe a grist mill? Yes, when Bowaters Carolina’s Woodland company, Catawba Timber does something, it’s […]