ENO JournalVOLUME 8 NUMBER 11989 by Jean Bradley Anderson Special thanks to: William FewLyne FewKendrick FewRandolph Few The banks and hinterlands of a stretch of the Eno River that runs directly south near the eastern boundary of Orange county, North Carolina, once comprised a distinct community, whose history was played out over one hundred and […]
The Story of West Point on the Eno*
ENO JournalVolume 3, No. 1-Jean Anderson & Margaret Nygard1975 The Eno River rises obscurely in the tobacco fields of Orange County, having two sources and two branches. The upper reaches of the river have historic sites along the way, some of them mill sites from colonial and later times. The town of Hillsborough, fleetingly State […]
Fish Dam Road
Route researched and map drawn by Joe Liles Click here to view a map of the route of Fish Dam Road. It has a fair degree of detail. For larger maps, significantly more detail (and larger downloads) click here for the map key. Logo The Search for Fish Dam RoadFish Dam Road began as a […]
History of the Packhouse at West Point on the Eno
The tobacco packhouse is one of a cluster of outbuildings situated behind the McCown-Mangum House at West Point on the Eno. Only two of the original work buildings, the tobacco barn and the packhouse, remain as reminders of the intensive farming that once went on at this location. This was the working heart of an […]